Our Lady of Good Counsel by
Pasquale Sarullo,
19th century Fransciscan friar,
priest and artist.
Born: 1 April 1828 in Ciminna, Italy
Died: 22 April 1893 in Palmermo, Italy.
Copyright: Global Domain
under the Berne Convention.
Autumn -Winter 2024/2025
In the season of Coughs & Wheezes,
Sniffs and Sneezes please, if you have a cold,
flu or anything contaigous,
protect yourself and others,
stay at home and view the streamed Mass via:
https://www.kentchurches.com/churches/our-lady-of-good-counsel​Please feel free to wear a face covering (nose & mouth)
while in any of the church buildings.
Hand sanitizer is provided.
Streamed masses for the elderly/sick and housebound via:
St. Monica - Russian Icon
Copyright: Global Domain
under Berne Convention

Our parish is served by:
Fr. Peter Iwuoha
Deacon Gehad Homsey
& Parish Team Leaders
Mrs. Ellen Knight &
Mr. Justin Alford
We warmly welcome all into our parish community and church in Hythe.
Our Lady of Good Counsel
Roman Catholic Church
Hythe, Kent
St Monica's Roman
Catholic Church
Dymchurch, Kent​​
We are currently looking for volunteers to assist with the building
of a youth and young adult group; a gardening & general maintenance team.
For more information
please get touch.