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 Our "Laudato Si' " Parish Garden

"Laudato Si, mi’ Signore”,

“Praise be to you, my Lord”

Since the start of 'the garden project' in 2020, a wonderful, beautiful Parish Garden has emerged with plenty of seating

in various parts of the garden for contemplation, reflection 

and simply to enjoy the beauty of our natural environment. 

In the Summer, weather permitting, the Sunday Mass

is held in the garden and we have had some beautiful,

serene Holy Week and Easter season masses

in the garden in 2022.

Under the purple button is a link to

Pope Francis'  "Laudato Si' " encyclical

Many, many people have contributed to the development of the garden, more details in the Newsletter above, with one particular 

plants woman devoting hundreds of hours to the work of gardening.

Should you wish to donate funds to the Gardens,

please drop a cheque into the office made out to  

‘The Hythe Catholic Church’, more details in the Newsletter above.

Please mark the envelope ‘Parish Garden GIFT’ 

and the funds will be ring-fenced  

for the Parish Garden and NOT used for anything else.

Please also make a note for Diane whether or not

your donation can be counted as GIFT AID.

Many thanks from Fr. Peter and the Gardening Team 

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